November 2017:
Piper Navajo, Chieftain, Mojave, Cheyenne I, and Cheyenne II Amended to STC SA01935LA by FAA
November 2012:
Cessna 335 Amended to STC SA01935LA by FAA
March 2012:
Cessna 340/340A Amended to STC SA01935LA by FAA
May 2010:
PMA Transition from FIS Manual to Quality Control Manual Approved by FAA
April 2010:
Cessna 404 Amended to STC SA01935LA by FAA
April 2010:
Design Changes to Improve Ease of Installation Approved by FAA
February 2010:
Cessna 441 Amended to EASA STC 10027121 and Granted EASA STC 10027121, Rev. 1
September 2009:
STC SA01935LA (Cessna 401 – 425) Approved by EASA & Granted EASA STC 10027121
August 2009:
Cessna 441 Amended to STC SA01935LA by FAA
December 2007:
STC SA01935LA (TC# AC7E) issued to Aircraft Performance Modifications, Inc. by FAA
November 2006:
Parts Manufacturer Approval (No. PQ2558NM) issued to Aircraft Performance Modifications, Inc. by FAA
February 2005:
Application for Dual Strake STC submitted to FAA
January 2004:
Engineering begins for the design of Cessna 400 Series Strakes